Greetings Gifted Intuitive Empath,

Life for highly energy sensitive people can feel confusing, unsettling & overwhelming to navigate and because I know what it's like to be an intuitive empath, I can relate.

I love holding a safe & sacred space for energy sensitive empaths to anchor & ground the new earth energies, trust your heart & gut & always honor your spot on intuition.

Because I know how deep our feelings can run, I’ve committed my life to helping other clairsentient souls like you connect with your higher power & resource yourself with loving kindness so you can finally feel like you’re enough. 

Just click the button below to schedule your 15-minute Discovery call so I can get to know you & design a customized program to meet your needs & empower you to be all you can be.

Schedule Discovery Call

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Join me on this Letting Go Exercise For Empaths


  • - Gao - NYC

    Do You want to come home to you? 

    Words cannot express the magic magnificence from working with Vandana, 

    I started with an MP3 and that was like the most powerful 1 on 1 soul session ever, 

    It was like Vandana was holding me on her lap, giving me a healing, with every light healing infusion I got I could feel it penetrating my skin entering every cell of my body, as I took that breath like a small baby who has just been born gasping for air for the 1st time........... it was out of this world and we touched hands in acknowledgement and appreciation of the healing that was long overdue. But now the real 1 on 1 session was a home coming to myself, tears were shed to open my heart as I remembered who I am in truth. She left me fully complete, feeling blissful and embodying my I am presence. Truly some things cannot be explained but can only be experienced, so go for it. Thanks Vandana for the amazing profound work you do" 

  • - Elizabeth R.

    I am grateful to participate

     I am so deeply grateful to have been able to participate in this invaluable chakra detox program. I have so much more awareness of childhood and other negative programming, and how to dismantle the negative scripts I have been carrying unnecessarily in my head for so long. 

    In particular, I got so much more than I ever believed possible from the sixth and seventh chakras detox sessions.

    I will listen to the series many times in the future to continue my spiritual growth. I deeply and completely recommend this series for anyone looking to enhance their spiritual growth and awareness.

    With much gratitude,

  • - Hilleah- Hawaii 

    The meditations are phenomenal

    I signed up for a free “discovery session” with Vandana and instantly felt a deep resonance of knowing who and why she is here-- to help individuals and the collective to attaining soul evolution quickly, easily and efficiently. 

    I purchased the programs she recommended and I am very grateful for all I have received! Each program has so much info I’ve never heard before that I can help myself.

    The meditations are phenomenal—deeply transformative!

    Vandana is the ultimate sharer of timeless wisdom and knowledge. She generously and graciously blesses us through her magnanimous joy of being!

    Infinite gratitude, my dear sister!

  • - Trudi Harper

    Vandana Embodies Pure Love

    Vandana you helped me to be more fully embodied, in love, and to maintain calm, at a time of great upheaval, within the collective. It was your radiance, and ancient wisdom that drew me in. I immediately saw an aura of peace, stillness, love, divine feminine, and strength, when I looked at you

I'm deeply touched by Tania La’Tei’Na’hah Susheila's heart share after the Billionaire Chakra Attunement as we were all returning to planet earth. She speaks about how being an advocate for the One Billion Rising Movement & the divine timing of this 5D Prosperity Program is what all beings need to heal from the spell of poverty on our Golden Gaia Planet! Let's be Joyfully Sovereign & Stand Together on the New Earth As It Rises & Ascends Into The Golden Paradigm!

 Sweet Vandana - I feel so blessed and grateful to connect to you and your work and would like to share that I received deep healing after the Ancient Egyptian Divine Feminine Medicine transmission!"

  • 3rd Eye Opening Attunement

    This Session Helps You To:

    • Trust Your Intuition Divination Abilities
    • Channel Your Higher Self & Spirit Guides
    • Clearly Communicate With Helpers & Allies
    • Create Clarity & Confidence In Your Readings
    • Awaken & Activate Your 3rd, 4th & 5th Spirit Eyes
    Learn more 
  • Spirit Surgery Session

    This Session Helps You To:

    •  Recover faster from unresolved trauma
    •   Release negative imprints, implants & miasms

     •   Remove energetic toxins, parasites & pollutants
    •   Reduces harmful effects of cords, hooks or blockages
    •  Retrieves lost or missing soul gifts & personal power

    Learn more 
  • Chakra Energy Cleanse Session

    Experience a chakra cleanse to boost your energy, vitality & unlock creative blocks that keep you stuck and unable to manifest new earth abundance.

    This session clears hidden debris, chakra sludge & empathic energy imprints you've taken on and carry in your physical, emotional, spiritual & mental bodies to easily release others energy that doesn't serve, support or belong to you.

    If you'd like to feel like yourself again, choose this session to heal & harmonize your 7 chakras including the soul star and earth star above & below you.

    Learn More