How To Know You’re An Intuitive Empath

What if the parts of you that you judge, deny & hide from are your greatest super power gifts?

As a highly intuitive-energy sensitive empath, I never knew or was told that it was ok and a good thing to be different so I exhausted myself trying to fit in, gain approval and be accepted by popular people.

Well, needless to say, those childhood and adolescent years followed me into adulthood & although I now know that these parts of me need extra love, attention & compassion too, I still struggle when I forget how special and unique I am.

If you can relate to growing up feeling like this, here’s a few things you can do to raise your self-esteem and stop questioning who you are and instead accept yourself so you no longer need to seek validation that you’re amazing from anyone else.

3 Ways To Thrive As A Sovereign, Sensitive & Fearless Empath

#1) When You Feel Off Or Energetically Drained Or Ungrounded, Ask Yourself This Question.

Is This Energy Mine Or Someone Elses? 

Because we are such psychic sponges & take on others pain, anger or sorrow, take a breath, place your hands over your heart space & ask yourself if you were exposed to either someone or something that isn’t your best vibrational match. This could involve a simple phone call, zoom meeting or hanging out with someone that makes you feel an “ichy’ way. Then simply smudge yourself with a stick of sage and fan or feather, take a shower & wash that energy off and away.

#2) If You Just Spent Time Travelling On Public Transporation, Were In A Hospital Or Exposed To Large Crowds In A Loud & Noisy Environment, Ask Yourself This Question.

Who Does This Belong To?

In most cases, if you woke up feeling fine but got triggered by someone or something not meaning to, those uncomfortable energies you sensed and felt as an intuitive empath, might still be attached to you. We get corded every day and not every cord is negative but if you have unfinished business with someone from the past and still carry pain or resentment, you may find yourself reliving the past and feeling extra sensitive when you’re reminded of those difficult relationships even if they happened 50 years ago. So perform a cord cutting ceremony with a trusted healer or Reiki Master to release that heavy energy and make amends with the past (schedule a cord cutting ritual here:

#3) Instead of deciding, assuming, judging, denying or ignoring instead of trusting  your deepest feelings, ask yourself this question to invite in greater possibilities and opportunities as a co-creator of the universe.

What’s Right About This (Instead Of What’s Wrong With Me Or About This) That I’m Not Getting?

If you just received what seems like terrible news and begin to experience signs of temporary energetic paralysis like nausea, headaches, stomach cramps or your emotions are spiraling out of control), it’s because you’ve forgotten just how powerful you are so instead of deciding or assuming your situation will never improve, ask your higher self & inner healer to help you see that you are so much stronger than you think and this too shall pass. Once you ask this life changing question, you’re able to use your empathic super power to trust your spot on intuition and that everything always has a funny way of working out.

I hope this article was helpful and I encourage you to start playing with these energetic tools to keep you grounded, anchored in your true core self & remember that pain happens to everyone but suffering is always optional.

I’d love to hear about your experiences and how simple it can be just to live in the question as your new daily “normal” reality so get in touch with me if you’d like to schedule a clarity call at httsp:// and check out my library filled with courses and self-help programs designed to empower highly intuitive empaths just like you.

Standing In Solidarity With You,

Vandana Atara Aura

Founder Of Vandana Light Healing


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