In this session, you’ll have the opportunity to speak to the soul and higher self of your loved ones or the people or animals who were closest to you that are no longer with you.
Some souls you loved & lost are still on earth and some reside on the spirit side.
Whether they still have a physical body or have transitioned to spirit side, this session offers you deep peace, greater understanding & closure to accept what happened forgiving yourself, them and each other.
I will help you channel & call in pure energy of whoever you need to speak to & hear from so you can finally let go of past relationships, clear negative corded attachments & liberate yourself from disturbing thoughts, memories or nightmares.
The goal of soul talk conversations is for you to gently & safely release the energy imprints and residue of friends, lovers, pets or family members still living within you & stop blaming or obsessing about how or why these souls left you and knowing why they left this earth has nothing to do with you.
This sacred work gives you back your voice so you can speak your truth, break free from lifetimes of relationship contracts, get unstuck from the past & know your loved ones are ok.