Soma Chakra Activation - Awakening To Bliss, Joy & Ecstasy
Soma Chakra Activation - Awakening To Bliss, Joy & Ecstasy
Drink the sweet nectar of bliss, blessings & beauty in the Temple Of Illumination, Rejuvenation & Regeneration!
Come out & play on the new earth earth & in the bright stars to dance with the divine healer within under the light of the silvery moon!
If you feel disconnected, disoriented or dis-empowered, you may feel like a lost soul, walk in or like you don't belong on planet earth.
When your Soma Center is blocked, you may even experience:
- Stress & Anxiety
- Frequent Headaches
- Insomnia
- Trouble Speaking Or Being Heard
- Thyroid Imbalance
- Indigestion
When your Soma Chakra Flows, you experience:
- Profound peace, presence & multi-dimensional awareness
- Ease, Flow & Flexibility In Your Mind, Body & Spirit
- Spiritual Connection, Mental Clarity & Cosmic Creativity
- Enhanced Energy, Radiant Health & Renewed Vitality
- Expansion Of Psychic Gifts, Telepathy & 5D Mastery
If this feels true for you, your Amria Chakra may be weakened, closed or imbalanced causing you to lack energy, clarity & vitality.
The Soma or nectar tantric chakra transmits and receives cooling & calming healing energy to balance your psycho-spiritual & physical body (mind, body & spirit).
As a sovereign soul, you have the power & authority to unlock, clear & release blocks in receiving sweet blessings of peace, presence & pleasure.
When you flow from a healthy & happy soma chakra moon center, you can easily connect to & flow with the angelic realms, divine downloads & psychic siddhi powers!
When opened & awakened, it turns on your Shiva/Shakti Cosmic Consciousness Of Truth, Beauty & Goodness To Heal Your Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine Wounds.
Join me to drink in the elixir of bliss, liquid light & drops of amrita to energize, stimulate & awaken your A-KA-THA Feminine Flow Of Deep Connection & Cosmic Creation.
Awaken & Activate Your Kundalini Creativity & Universal Life Force Energy Now!
99 minutes - MP4 Class Replay