Munay-Ki 9 Rites Initiation
Munay-Ki 9 Rites Initiation
Greetings Luminous Light Being,
Thank you for saying YES & trusting you are ready to walk freely, fearlessly & in beauty on a new path as a person of power no longer hiding but expressing your healing essence with courage & confidence on your way to becoming a homo-luminous new human.
The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time as a period of great transformation, a time when we are called to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell of a new human appearing on the planet - a person of wisdom and power who lives free of fear and abides in their eternal nature, accepting stewardship for all creation. These are often referred to as the “luminous ones” or the “homo-spiritus” now evolved from the homo sapiens. If you are called to be such a person then these rites are for you.
When initiated into the Nine Rites of the Munay Ki, you join an ancient lineage of medicine men and women known as Qero Shamans from the High Andes of Peru & The Amazon on your journey into becoming an Earthkeeper & Steward of Humanity.
Many who experience these rites feel the presence and sense the wisdom of the “luminous ones” who have broken the bounds of linear time and who dwell in the eternal now. This realization empowers the Earth-Keepers to reach backwards and forward in time to affect destiny, influencing who they are becoming.
The Munay-Ki is your invitation to dream an entire new world into being. As time is now fluid and irrelevant, the Earth-Keepers can awaken memories from the past, the future and memories and knowledge, which exists outside of time.
The initiation you will experience consists of energetic transmission of the rites of the Munay Ki that will help you to clear, transform the (luminous) energy field and reconnect to your soul’s blueprint & divine template.
It is said that these energetic transmissions facilitate deep healing of past wounds- your karmic & genetic inheritance and DNA new human updates, enabling you to grow a new body, which ages, heals, and dies differently.
As you receive the nine rites, your chakras will have the opportunity to become clear and you'll acquire what the Earth-Keepers known as the rainbow body, as your chakras glow with their original radiance. Your luminous field becomes more highly organized and coherent. Your energetic capacity for processing subtle realms is expanded. The bubble of light that surrounds your physical body is upgraded and empowered with strength and integrity.
Munay" in Quechua means "love and will", together with "ki", from the Chinese word for energy, combine to give the meaning: energy of love. The Munay Ki rites are a modern form of transmitting the initiation empowerments of the Q'ero, and are based on the traditional initiation ceremonies of Q'ero shamans. Four Q'ero shamans have come to the United States several times to personally transmit these rites, and many initiates have gone to Peru to receive them there.
The nine rites of the Munay Ki are meant to be passed and shared with others.
- The first session initiates you into the first, second & third rite
- The second session initiates you into the fourth, fifth & sixth rite
- The third session initiates you into the seventh, eighth & ninth rite
- The fourth session attunes you to the 7 archetypes of your 7 chakras
- The fifth session initiates you into the 10th womb rite
You may bring your own or purchase a phi stone to meditate & practice with although not required during the four-week training program & will receive a phi stone as a gift along with a certificate of completion after you've attended all four Munay-Ki Sessions.
You will receive a Munay-Ki Training Manual to learn about the history, Munay-Ki ancient lineage & the meaning of each rite
This program includes email support to support spiritual growth & transformation throughout the program.
*These Rites Are Offered By Request*
Individual Or Group Session - $397
Payment Plans Are Accepted