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Vandana Light Healing

Etheric Light Intervention For Cords, Imprints & Energetic Attachments

Etheric Light Intervention For Cords, Imprints & Energetic Attachments

Regular price $40.00 USD
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Greetings New Earth Activator, Awakener & Co-Creator,

I'm Excited To Invite You To Another New Inter-Galactic Ascension Trance-Mission Program To Help You Clear Non-Serving Cords, Imprints & Attachments Old Timelines, Inherited Bloodlines & Past Lifetimes That Drain, Deplete & Dis-empower You!

This Course Invites You To Journey To The Inner Galactic Pharmacies, Shambhalla's Spa Sanctuaries & Hollow Earth Libraries To Receive Advanced Leumerian Light Technology To Disentangle & Unravel Negative Cords, Stuck Miasms & Karmic Knots That Do Not Serve Or Support You.

Etheric cords keep you connected to people, bound to places & tied to spaces including every short term or long term interaction that either connect you with love or connect you to fear.

I'm honored & excited to introduce & invite you to experience Loving Leumerian Light Etheric From The Arcturian Doctors, Cosmic Surgeons & Celestial Shamans To Help You Detach From Past Life Cordings, Ancestral Bindings & Trauma Attachments So You Can Reclaim Your Energetic Sacred Space, Occupy Your Heart & Embody Your 5D Authentic Identity!

To Re-Claim Your Lost Leumerian Light Birthright To Help You Feel More Alive & To Thrive, You Can Learn How To: 

  • Connect & Communicate With Arcturian Star Physicians & Telosian Inner Earth Surgeons
  • Receive Etheric Acupuncture Intervention From Shambhalla's Inner Earth Chakra Doctors
  • Schedule An Inter-Galactic Etheric Surgery To Remove & Repair Less Thank Kind Astral Cords
  • Strengthen Positive & Healthy Energetic Cords & Connections That Do Serve & Support You
  • Learn How To Identify The Difference Between Positive & Negative Energetic Cords
  • Master The Ancient Art Of Inter-Dimensional Soul Retrieval To Reclaim Your Life Force Energy

With Your Laser Sharp Focus & Crystal Clear Intention, You Can: 

  • Remove false energies and energetic consequences associated with negative intentions you've created for yourself & others. 
  • Release the energies & energetic consequences associated with negative intentions that were created for you by others
  • Realign with your highest & truest ascension life path 
  • Boost your courage, confidence and personal power

Your Leumerian Light Spiritual Surgery Includes A Sacred Visitation To Inner Earth Pharmacy & Shambhalla Earth Star Sanctuaries Accelerate Your Wound Recovery Process & Experience: 

  • Life Saving & Extending Celestial Star & Grounding Plant Medicine 
  • Vibrational Remedies To Sustain Healthy Bonds & 5D Connections
  • 5D Clarity, Courage & Resiliency To Awaken Your Luminous Light Body
  • How To Easily & Effortlessly Detach From Toxic Cord Attachments
  • Instant Recognition & Appreciation Of Healthy Bonds You Form With Others


Class 1

In this class you will receive Galactic light Star Surgery from your to identify, unravel, purify & detoxify negative & non-beneficial toxic energetic cords, blocks & attachments absorbed & stored in your Sashasrara Crown Chakra, limbic brain & emotional nervous system from all dimensions, timelines, galaxies & realities.


Class Replay - MP3 and MP4 - 142 min

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