5th Eye Galactivation Transmission - To Awaken Your Galactic Eye Chakras
5th Eye Galactivation Transmission - To Awaken Your Galactic Eye Chakras
Greetings 5th Eye Galactivator Gatekeeper,
Awaken your 5th eye chakra on a divine visitation to your ancestral pyramids In ancient Egypt, Temples In Leumeria & Soul Sanctuaries in Shambhalla to galactivate & initiate you into the crystal core of your inner eyes ascension dimension.
This high vibrational transmission awakens your siddhi super powers so you can see through illusion, remove filters of delusion, clear veils of 3D confusion & improve your telepathic vision.
Lie back, lean in, listen & experience this eye-opening teleportation journey to help you remember how to read forgotten information carved in the language of light in sacred stones waiting for you to discover on this eye-opening journey to awaken your 3rd, 4th & 5th eye clairvoyant chakras.
Raise your vibration to the 5th dimension to reduce your stress & 3rd dimensional fear.
Class Replay - Video MP4 and Audio MP3 - 130 min