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Both men and women carry feminine and masculine wisdom but these energies often become imbalanced, silenced or shut down.
The good news is that in this 5D reality, you can heal your 3D feminine & masculine, masks & roles & own your true identity.
Listen to these healing tracks to heal past wounds & merge with the heart of creation, soul inspiration & inner transformation.
These encoded frequency transmissions allow you to heal yourself, fall in love & marry your higher self, I AM Presence & Trusted Twin Flame.
Each healing track helps you integrate your sacred femininity & masculinity to claim your powers, own your gifts & master your highest destiny!
Heal Your Divine Feminine and Masculine True Nature MP3
The Archangels & Archeia can help you fulfill your soul plan and balance both sides of your true nature.
In this class, you will learn how to invoke the names of the archangels & their twin flames, the archeia, so you can heal your divine feminine & masculine core wounds with ease & grace.
100 minutes - $35 value
Archangels & Archeia - A Divine Feminine Archangelic Attunement MP3
This Archangelic Healing Transmission is being offered to harmonize & heal your divine masculine & feminine side to embody a healthy state of wholeness & integration.
Receive inspirational messages & accelerated light transmissions from the archangels & archeia to attract, create, & manifest your dreams, visions & desires.
80 minutes - $35 value
Heal Your Divine Feminine Christed Heart MP3
During this holy healing transmission you will experience what it looks & feels like to live in your heart, master your gifts & manifest your dreams.
Take this sacred empowerment journey to awaken & activate your personal powers, creative flows & a courageous heart.
100 minutes - $35 value -
Quan Yin, The Lavender Flame & Great Temple Of Compassion MP4
Experience Quan Yin's loving lavender flame of clarity, gentility & loving kindness on this sacred visitation into the heart of the great temple of mercy & compassion.
Experience what it looks & feels like to meet & merge with the heart of Quan Yin - the essence of pure compassion, benevolence & grace!
93 minutes - $45 value
Divine Light Blessings!
Vandana Atara Aura was gifted her name by her spiritual teacher Mata Amritanandamayi affectionately known as Amma the Hugging Saint from India. The sanskrit word Amma means Mother. Vandana was gifted her sacred name by her divine mother to embody the qualities of motherly love, benevolence, kindness & compassion.
She is the Creator & Guiding Light of Vandana Light Healing & is a divine channel, soul guide, angelic shaman, energy healer, mentor & ascension teacher whose soul role is to inspire and empower all sentient beings.
Do you need help, have a question or just want to leave a comment? Please feel free to contact us at We would love to hear from you!